Thamnosia nakadairensis Tazawa and Nakamura 2015 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Productellidae

Full reference: J. I. Tazawa and K. Nakamura. 2015. Early Permian (Kungurian) brachiopods from Nakadaira, South Kitakami Belt, northeastern Japan. Paleontological Research 19:156-177

Belongs to Thamnosia according to J. I. Tazawa and K. Nakamura 2015

Sister taxa: Thamnosia anterospinosa, Thamnosia arctica, Thamnosia capitanensis, Thamnosia depressa, Thamnosia longlinensis, Thamnosia mutabilis, Thamnosia parvispinosa, Thamnosia phragmophora, Thamnosia silicica, Thamnosia spinosa, Thuleproductus subarcticus, Thuleproductus crassauritus

Type specimen: UHR13062, a shell. Its type locality is Nakadaira, Lower Sakamotozawa, Yahagi-cho, Rikuzentakada City, which is in a Kungurian marine siliciclastic in the Hoso-o Formation of Japan.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Japan (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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