Zanthoxylum Linnaeus 1753 (prickly ash)

Angiospermae - Sapindales - Rutaceae

Full reference: C. Linnaeus. 1753. Species Plantarum 1-1200

Parent taxon: Rutaceae according to H. Zhu and Z. K. Zhou 2016

See also Jacobs and Kabuye 1987, Kershaw et al. 2007, Knowlton 1919, Liu et al. 1996 and Prasad 2008

Sister taxa: Acronychia, Aegle, Amyridoxylon, Atalantia, Atalantioxylon, Aurantioideae, Boronia, Canticarya, Caxtonia, Citrispermum, Citrophyllum, Clausena, Clausenispermum, Cneoridium, Eozanthoxylon, Ertela, Euodia, Euxylophoroxylon, Evodinium, Fagara, Flindersia, Geijera, Halfordia, Julianiophyllum, Melicope, Microcybe, Murraya, Paraferonioxylon, Phellodendron, Ptelea, Rutaceoxylon, Rutaecarpus, Rutaphyllum, Rutaspermum, Shrubsolea, Skimmia, Swinglea, Teclea, Toddalia, Toddaliospermum, Zanthoxyleae

Subtaxa: Zanthoxylum avicennae Zanthoxylum clavaherculis Zanthoxylum dubium Zanthoxylum siwalicum Zanthoxylum trachyspermum Zanthoxylum trifoliatum

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Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Quaternary of Australia (3 collections)

• Pliocene of China (3)

• Baodean of China (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Nepal (1)

• Miocene of China (2), Germany (5), Kenya (1), United States (1: Vermont)

• Oligocene of Germany (2), Puerto Rico (2)

• Eocene of China (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (1: Oregon)

Total: 25 collections including 29 occurrences

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