†Trachystegos megalodon Carroll 1966 (amniote)
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Osteichthyes - Recumbirostra - Pantylidae
Full reference: R. L. Carroll. 1966. Microsaurs from the Westphalian B of Joggins, Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 177:63-97
Belongs to Trachystegos according to Carroll 1966
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: BM(NH) R.4563, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Joggins; Divison 4, Section XII, coal-group 26, which is in a Westphalian A mire/swamp sandstone/claystone in the Joggins Formation of Canada.
Distribution: found only at Joggins; Divison 4, Section XII, coal-group 26
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