†Oppelia (Oecotraustes) Waagen 1869 (ammonite)
Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Oppeliidae
Alternative spelling: Oekotraustes
Parent taxon: Oppelia according to N. V. Besnosov and V. V. Mitta 1993
Sister taxa: Oppelia (Oppelia), Oppelia (Trimarginites), Oppelia audax, Oppelia glabella, Oppelia haeberleini, Oppelia kachhensis, Oppelia karreri, Oppelia mamertensis, Oppelia nurrhaensis, Oppelia orientalis, Oppelia plana, Oppelia subcostata
Subtaxa: none
Type: Oecotraustes genicularis
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Jurassic of the Russian Federation (4 collections), Turkmenistan (2)
Total: 6 collections including 9 occurrences