Cleoniceras (Neosaynella) inornatum Casey 1954 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Cleoniceratidae

Full reference: R. Casey. 1954. New genera and subgenera of Lower Cretaceous ammonites. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 44:106-115

Belongs to Cleoniceras (Neosaynella) according to R. Casey 1954

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: BGS 70409, a shell. Its type locality is Folkestone (mammillatum zone), which is in an Albian marine horizon in the Folkestone Formation of the United Kingdom.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 51.0


• Cretaceous of the United Kingdom (4 collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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