Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Sonniniidae
Full reference: W. J. Arkell. 1954. Part II. The ammonites and their place in the Bajocian faunas of the world, in The Bajocian ammonites of Western Australia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B 237:547-605
Belongs to Witchellia according to W. J. Arkell 1954
Sister taxa: Witchellia albida, Witchellia companyi, Witchellia connata, Witchellia hyalina, Witchellia jugifera, Witchellia laeviuscula, Witchellia macer, Witchellia minima, Witchellia moisyi, Witchellia nodatipinguis, Witchellia peleka, Witchellia romanoides, Witchellia ruber, Witchellia sayni, Witchellia striata, Witchellia sutneroides, Pelekodites (Spatulites) spatians
Type specimen: Its type locality is Fossil Hill (706333), which is in a Bajocian shallow subtidal limestone in the Newmarracarra Limestone Formation of Australia
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Fossil Hill (706333)
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