Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Sonniniidae
Alternative combinations: Ammonites (Dorsetensia) clarkei, Fontannesia clarkei
Synonyms: Dorsetensia etheridgei Whitehouse 1924, Fontannesia whitehousei Arkell 1954
Full reference: G. C. Crick. 1894. On a collection of Jurassic Cephalopoda from Western Australia - obtained by Harry Page Woodward, F.G.S., government geologist - with descriptions of the species. The Geological Magazine, New Series, Decade IV 1:385-393
Belongs to Newmarracarroceras according to R. L. Hall 1989
See also Arkell 1954 and Crick 1894
Sister taxon: Newmarracarroceras fairbridgei
Type specimens:
- Newmarracarroceras clarkei: Its type locality is Champion Bay, which is in a Bajocian carbonate limestone in the Newmarracarra Limestone Formation of Australia
- Dorsetensia etheridgei:
- Fontannesia whitehousei:
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 60.0
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