Subbonarellia knechti Jeannet 1951 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Oppeliidae

Full reference: A. Jeannet. 1951. Stratigraphie und Palaeontologie des oolithischen Eisenerzlagers von Herznach und seiner Umgebung. Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz, Geotechnische Serie 13(5):1-240

Belongs to Subbonarellia according to A. Jeannet 1951

Sister taxon: Subbonarellia freii

Type specimen: Its type locality is Herznach mine, bed C.2/3, which is in a Callovian carbonate limestone in Switzerland

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 48.0

Distribution: found only at Herznach mine, bed C.2/3

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