Insecta - Ephemerida - Protereismatidae
Full reference: G. M. Zalessky. 1946. A new mayfly from the Permian deposits of the Urals. Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS 54:351-352
Belongs to Protereisma according to G. M. Zalessky 1946
Sister taxa: Pinctodia curta, Protereisma apicalis, Protereisma arcuatum, Protereisma elongatum, Protereisma insigne, Protereisma latum, Protereisma permianum, Protereisma rossenrayensis, Protereisma sellardsi, Rekter extensus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Barda Locality, Krasnaya Glinka, which is in a Kungurian lacustrine deltaic siliciclastic in the Koshelevka Formation of the Russian Federation
Distribution: found only at Barda Locality, Krasnaya Glinka
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