Neomachilellus (Praeneomachilellus) ezetaelenensis Riquelme and Montejo-Cruz 2015 (rock bristletail)

Insecta - Archaeognatha - Meinertellidae

Full reference: F. Riquelme and M. Montejo-Cruz. 2015. Taxonomic names, in Fossil jumping-bristletail from the Chiapas amber: Neomachilellus (Praeneomachilellus) ezetaelenensis sp. nov. (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 275:93-106

Belongs to Neomachilellus (Praeneomachilellus) according to F. Riquelme and M. Montejo-Cruz 2015

Sister taxon: Neomachilellus (Praeneomachilellus) dominicanus

Type specimen: BL.MACH.1, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is La Pimienta, Simojovel (Mexican amber, MACH coll.), which is in a Miocene terrestrial amber in Mexico.



• Miocene of Mexico (6 collections)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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