Rhynchotrema tamarackensis Foerste 1924 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Rhynchotrematidae

Full reference: A. F. Foerste. 1924. Upper Ordovician faunas of Ontario and Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 138(121):1-99

Belongs to Rhynchotrema according to A. F. Foerste 1924

Sister taxa: Rhynchotrema dentatum, Rhynchotrema fringilla, Rhynchotrema increbescens, Rhynchotrema iowense, Rhynchotrema nobilis, Rhynchotrema nutrix, Rhynchotrema oepiki, Rhynchotrema parva, Rhynchotrema parviseptatum, Rhynchotrema perlamellosum, Rhynchotrema plicata, Rhynchotrema plicatum, Rhynchotrema pulchellum, Rhynchotrema seletensis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at N of Tamarack Point, Sheguiandah Shale Fm. (Ordovician of Ontario)

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