Cellaria perexigua Gordon and Taylor 1999 (bryozoan)

Gymnolaemata - Cheilostomata - Cellariidae

Full reference: D. P. Gordon and P. D. Taylor. 1999. Latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene bryozoans from Chatham Island, New Zealand. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum of London: Geology Series 55(1):1-45

Belongs to Cellaria according to Gordon and Taylor 1999

Sister taxa: Cellaria adamantina, Cellaria attenuata, Cellaria australis, Cellaria biaperta, Cellaria bicornis, Cellaria bicuspidata, Cellaria contigua, Cellaria cucullata, Cellaria dennanti, Cellaria depressa, Cellaria diffusa, Cellaria elementaria, Cellaria enormis, Cellaria fistulosa, Cellaria gigas, Cellaria grandis, Cellaria immersa, Cellaria inarticulata, Cellaria mandibulata, Cellaria melillensis, Cellaria minus, Cellaria mitrata, Cellaria myaringensis, Cellaria orbicularia, Cellaria palatum, Cellaria perampla, Cellaria pilosa, Cellaria rigida, Cellaria robusta, Cellaria setigera, Cellaria stachi, Cellaria tenuirostris, Cellaria tumida, Cellaria variabilis, Cellaria veteripontis, Melicerita angustiloba

Type specimen: IGNS BZ 194-1. Its type locality is Pukekio, Chatham Island, which is in a Thanetian/Ypresian transition zone/lower shoreface conglomerate/conglomerate in the Red Bluff Tuff Formation of New Zealand.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Pukekio, Chatham Island

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