Idmonea macgillivrayi Stach 1936 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Cyclostomata - Multisparsidae

Full reference: L. W. Stach. 1936. South Australian Cainozoic Bryozoa. Part 1. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 60:127-136

Belongs to Idmonea according to L. W. Stach 1936

Sister taxa: Idmonea alipes, Idmonea australis, Idmonea californica, Idmonea carinata, Idmonea expansa, Idmonea perforata, Idmonea perpendiculata, Idmonea pseudodisticha, Idmonea snehi, Idmonea subgracilis, Idmonea translucens

Type specimen: Its type locality is Glanville Bore 405-450 feet, which is in a Cenozoic marine horizon in Australia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cenozoic of Australia (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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