Armintodelphys dufraingi Smith and Smith 2013 (marsupial)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Peradectidae

Full reference: T. Smith and R. Smith. 2013. A land micro-mammal fauna from the Early Eocene marine Egem deposits (NP12, Belgium) and the first occurrence of the peradectid marsupial Armintodelphys outside North America. Geologica Belgica 16(4):302-310

Belongs to Armintodelphys according to T. Smith and R. Smith 2013

Sister taxa: Armintodelphys blacki, Armintodelphys dawsoni

Type specimen: IRSNB M2152, a mandible (Fragment of right dentary). Its type locality is Ampe quarry, Egem, which is in a Ypresian marginal marine sandstone in the Tielt Formation of Belgium.

Ecology: scansorial omnivore

Distribution: found only at Ampe quarry, Egem

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