Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Traversodontidae
Full reference: F. Abdala, M. C. Barberena, and J. Dornelles. 2002. A new species of the traversodontid cynodont Exaeretodon from the Santa Maria Formation (Middle/Late Triassic) of southern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22(2):313-325
Belongs to Exaeretodon according to F. Abdala et al. 2002
Sister taxa: Exaeretodon argentinus, Exaeretodon major, Exaeretodon statisticae
Type specimen: MCP 1522 PV, a skull. Its type locality is Exaeretodon site, 6 km west of Botucarai hill, which is in a Carnian/Norian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Maria Formation of Brazil.
Ecology: herbivore
• Triassic of Brazil (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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