Tribe Tabanini Latreille 1802 (horse fly)

Insecta - Diptera - Tabanidae

Full reference: P. A. Latreille. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes. 3:1-467

Parent taxon: Tabaninae according to S. I. Morita et al. 2016

Sister taxa: Diachlorini, Haematopotini

Subtaxa: Tabanus

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Type: Tabanus



• Pliocene of Germany (2 collections)

• Oligocene of Brazil (1), France (1), Germany (1)

• Eocene of the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Colorado)

Total: 7 collections including 8 occurrences

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