†Hygrobia cretzschmari von Heyden and von Heyden 1866 (beetle)
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Insecta - Coleoptera - Hygrobiidae
Alternative combination: Pelobius cretzschmari
Full reference: C. von Heyden and L. von Heyden. 1866. Käfer und Polypen aus der Braunkohle des Siebengebirges. Palaeontographica 15:131-156
Belongs to Hygrobia according to A. G. Ponomarenko and A. A. Prokin 2015
See also von Heyden and von Heyden 1866
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is Rott (Krantz Bonn coll), which is in a MP 30 lacustrine - large shale in the Rott Formation of Germany
Distribution: found only at Rott (Krantz Bonn coll)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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