Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Anthracotheriidae
Full reference: S. Ducrocq. 1997. The Anthracotheriid Genus Bothriogenys (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) in Africa and Asia During the Paleogene: Phylogenetical and Paleobiogeographical Relationships. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 250:1-44
Belongs to Bothriogenys according to S. Ducrocq 1997
See also Ducrocq et al. 2015
Sister taxa: Bothriogenys andrewsi, Bothriogenys fraasi, Bothriogenys gorringei, Bothriogenys hui, Bothriogenys langsonensis, Bothriogenys rugulosus, Bothriogenys vietnamensis
Type specimen: TF 2633, a partial skull (Almost complete skull with left P1-M3 and rigth P2-M3 (TF 2633), associated with two lower jaw preserving rigth and left p1-m3 (TF 2634, TF 2635)). Its type locality is Bang Pu Dam Coal Pit, which is in an Eocene terrestrial lignite in Thailand.
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
Distribution: found only at Bang Pu Dam Coal Pit
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