Full reference: A. M. Forasiepi, F. J. Goin, M. A. Abello and E. CerdeƱo. 2014. A unique, Late Oligocene shrew-like marsupial from western Argentina and the evolution of dental morphology. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 12(5):549-564
Belongs to Fieratherium according to A. M. Forasiepi et al. 2014
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MCNAM-PV 3958, a partial skull (fragments of both dentaries, right maxilla and fragment of left premaxilla with dentition partially preserved, all belonging to the same, juvenile specimen). Its type locality is Quebrada Fiera (north side of the ravine), which is in a Deseadan terrestrial tuff in the Agua de la Piedra Formation of Argentina.
Ecology: scansorial omnivore
Distribution: found only at Quebrada Fiera (north side of the ravine)
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