Neocrioceras (Schlueterella) maderi Immel et al. 1982 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Diplomoceratidae

Alternative combination: Neocrioceras (Neocrioceras) maderi

Belongs to Neocrioceras (Schlueterella) according to W. J. Kennedy and W. K. Christensen 1991

Sister taxa: Neocrioceras (Schlueterella) compressum, Neocrioceras (Schlueterella) multinodosum, Pseudoxybeloceras (Schlueterella) pseudoarmatum, Schlueterella kawadai

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Arnager Limestone Formation, Arnager/Horsemyre Odde, Bornholm (Cretaceous of Denmark)

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