Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Placenticeratidae
Alternative combination: Ammonites semiornatus
Belongs to Placenticeras according to W. J. Kennedy 1984
Sister taxa: Placenticeras bidorsatum, Placenticeras cumminsi, Placenticeras fritschi, Placenticeras intercalare, Placenticeras kaffrarium, Placenticeras kolbajense, Placenticeras maherndli, Placenticeras mediasiaticum, Placenticeras memoriaschloenbachi, Placenticeras orbignyanum, Placenticeras paraplanum, Placenticeras placenta, Placenticeras polyopsis, Placenticeras pseudoplacenta, Placenticeras syrtale, Placenticeras tamulicum, Placenticeras vancouverense, Placenticeras vredenburgi, Placenticeras whitfieldi
Type specimen: Its type locality is Tours (d'Orbigny collection), which is in a Santonian carbonate grainstone in France
• Cretaceous of France (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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