Full reference: D. Yan and Y. Tang. 1976. Mesonychids from the Palaeocene of Anhui. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 14(4):252-258
Belongs to Lestes according to D. Yan and Y. Tang 1976
Sister taxa: Lestes aquisextana, Lestes arvernus, Lestes brisaci, Lestes ceresti, Lestes datangensis, Lestes dianacompteae, Lestes forsterii, Lestes irenea, Lestes leucosia, Lestes ligea, Lestes lutzi, Lestes peisinoe, Lestes plicata, Lestes regina, Lestes sieblosiformis, Lestes statzi, Lestes vicina, Lestes zalesskyi
Type specimen: IVPP V4265. Its type locality is Chidoukan (71006), which is in a Paleocene terrestrial horizon in the Wanghudun Formation of China.
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore
Distribution: found only at Chidoukan (71006)
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