Zindapiria Flynn and Cheema 1994 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Chapattimyidae

Full reference: L. J. Flynn and I. U. Cheema. 1994. Baluchimyine rodents from the Zinda Pir Dome, western Pakistan: systematics and biochronologic implications. National Science Museum Monographs 8:115-129

Parent taxon: Baluchimyinae according to L. J. Flynn and I. U. Cheema 1994

Sister taxa: Asterattus, Baluchimys, Lindsaya, Lophibaluchia, Wakkamys

Subtaxa: Zindapiria quadricollis

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Type: Zindapiria quadricollis

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Miocene of Pakistan (1 collection)

• Oligocene of India (1), Pakistan (2)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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