Lytoloma crassa Bergounioux 1952 (sea turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae

Full reference: F.-M. Bergounioux. 1952. Les Cheloniens fossiles de Gafsa. Notes et Memoires 92:377-396

Belongs to Lytoloma according to F.-M. Bergounioux 1952

Sister taxa: Lytoloma bruxelliensis, Lytoloma cantabrigiense, Lytoloma elegans, Lytoloma jeanesii, Lytoloma wemmeliensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Gafsa, which is in an Eocene marine phosphorite in Tunisia

Ecology: aquatic omnivore

Distribution: found only at Gafsa

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