Tartaruscola teodorii Pérez-García 2016 (sideneck turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Bothremydidae

Full reference: A. Pérez-García. 2016. A new turtle confirms the presence of Bothremydidae (Pleurodira) in the Cenozoic of Europe and expands the biostratigraphic range of Foxemydina. The Science of Nature 103(50):1-14

Belongs to Tartaruscola according to A. Pérez-García 2016

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MNHN.F.SPP33, a skull. Its type locality is Saint-Papoul, which is in a Ypresian terrestrial horizon in the Saint-Papoul Formation of France.

Ecology: amphibious omnivore

Distribution: found only at Saint-Papoul

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