Full reference: W. Ziegler. 1960. Conodonten aus dem Rheinischen Unterdevon (Gedinnium) des Remscheider Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 34(2):169-201
Belongs to Trichonodella according to R. L. Ethington and W. M. Furnish 1962
Sister taxa: Trichonodella blanda, Trichonodella symmetrica
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Devonian to Triassic of Greece (1 collection)
• Devonian of Australia (1), the Czech Republic (3), Greece (1), Italy (2), Morocco (2)
• Silurian of the Czech Republic (2), Greece (1), Morocco (1), United States (20: Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio), Western Sahara (3)
• Ordovician of Malaysia (2)
Total: 39 collections each including a single occurrence
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