Mecodema crenaticolle Redtenbacher 1868 (ground beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Carabidae

Alternative combination: Mecodema crenaticollis

Full reference: L. Redtenbacher. 1868. Coleoptera. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologische Theil. Zweiter Band, I Abtheilung, A - 1 1-249

Belongs to Mecodema according to A. Larochelle and M. C. Larivière 2001

See also Redtenbacher 1868 and Roig-Juñent 2000

Sister taxa: none


Distribution: found only at Fred Cave Catchment, F1c cave, layer 4, Waitomo (Quaternary of New Zealand)

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