Prodremotherium elongatum Filhol 1877 (ruminant)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla

Belongs to Prodremotherium according to Filhol 1877

See also Vislobokova 2001

Sister taxa: Prodremotherium beatrix, Prodremotherium flerowi, Prodremotherium trepidum

Type specimen: MNHN Qu4769 and 4646 (syntypes), a partial skull (Mandible and m). Its type locality is Phosphorites du Quercy (old collections - Oligocene), which is in an Oligocene/Oligocene karst phosphorite in the Quercy Phosphorites Formation of France.

Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser


• Oligocene of France (5 collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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