†Stenoplesictis crocheti Peigné and de Bonis 1999 (carnivoran)
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Full reference: S. Peigné and L. de Bonis. 1999. The genus Stenoplesictis Filhol (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Oligocene deposits of the Phosphorites of Quercy, France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(3):566-575
Belongs to Stenoplesictis according to S. Peigné and L. de Bonis 1999
Sister taxa: Stenoplesictis cayluxi, Stenoplesictis elegans, Stenoplesictis minor, Stenoplesictis muhoronii
Type specimen: PFRA 417, a mandible. Its type locality is Pech du Fraysse, which is in a MP 28 terrestrial horizon in France.
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore
• Oligocene of France (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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