Crinoidea - Diplobathrida - Anthracocrinidae
Full reference: S. R. Cole, W. I. Ausich, J. Colmenar and S. Zamora. 2017. Filling the Gondwanan gap: paleobiogeographic implications of new crinoids from the Castillejo and Fombuena formations (Middle and Upper Ordovician, Iberian Chains, Spain). Journal of Paleontology 91(4):715-734
Belongs to Goyacrinus according to S. R. Cole et al. 2017
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MPZ2016/99. Its type locality is FB-IV. Peña del Tormo. 35 meters, which is in a Berounian/Zahorany transition zone/lower shoreface sandstone in the Fombuena Formation of Spain.
Ecology: stationary upper-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Spain (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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