†Amphidonte (Amphidonte) pyrenaicum Leymerie 1851 (oyster)
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Bivalvia - Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
Alternative combination: Exogyra pyrenaica
Synonym: Ostrea auricularis Geinitz 1869
Belongs to Amphidonte (Amphidonte) according to N. Malchus 1990
Sister taxon: Amphidonte (Amphidonte) parasitica
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Algeria (2 collections), Egypt (3), France (2), India (1), Libya (2), Madagascar (1), Oman (1), Pakistan (1), Spain (1), Tunisia (2)
Total: 16 collections including 17 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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