Bivalvia - Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
Alternative combination: Ostrea mermeti
Synonyms: Amphidonta columba chaperi Bayle 1878, Exogyra arduennensis Orbigny 1967, Exogyra columbina Romanowsky 1884, Exogyra mermeti Coquand 1882, Ostrea columba Lamarck 1819, Ostrea larteti Coquand 1869, Ostrea overwegi Coquand 1869, Ostrea suborbiculata Lamarck 1802, Rhynchostreon chaperi Bayle 1878, Rhynchostreon columbum Lamarck 1819
Belongs to Rhynchostreon according to N. Malchus 1990
See also Bobkova 1961 and Douville 1879
Sister taxa: Rhynchostreon etalloni, Rhynchostreon plicatulum, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum, Rhynchostreon tombeckianum
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Algeria (1 collection), Brazil (10), Egypt (6), France (2), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Jordan (2), Morocco (1), Peru (7), USSR (4)
Total: 35 collections including 37 occurrences
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