†Bessoecetor krausei Rankin 2014 (placental)
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Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Pantolestoidae
Full reference: B. D. Rankin. 2014. New pantolestids (Mammalia, Eutheria) from the late Paleocene (late middle Tiffanian) Roche Percée local fauna, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Paleontology 88(6):1199-1211
Belongs to Bessoecetor according to B. D. Rankin 2014
Sister taxa: Bessoecetor pilodontus, Bessoecetor septentrionalis
Type specimen: UALVP 9300, a mandible (right dentary containing i1, p2, m1–m3). Its type locality is Roche Percée, which is in a Ti4 alluvial fan sandstone/siltstone in the Ravenscrag Formation of Canada.
Ecology: amphibious piscivore-durophage
Distribution: found only at Roche Percée
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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