Reptilia - Testudines - Kinosternoidea
Alternative combination: Gomphochelys nanus
Full reference: J. R. Bourque, J. H. Hutchison, P. A. Holroyd and J. I. Bloch. 2015. A new dermatemydid (Testudines, Kinosternoidea) from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Willwood Formation, southeastern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (e905481)1-19
Belongs to Baptemys according to W. G. Joyce and J. R. Bourque 2016
See also Bourque et al. 2015
Sister taxa: Baptemys garmanii, Notomorpha gravis, Notomorpha garmanii
Type specimen: UF 225761, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is UF locality WY06111, which is in an Eocene terrestrial horizon in the Willwood Formation of Wyoming.
Ecology: aquatic herbivore-omnivore
Distribution: found only at UF locality WY06111
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