Ectenoceras obliquum Ulrich et al. 1943 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Ellesmerocerida - Ellesmeroceratidae

Full reference: E. O. Ulrich, A. F. Foerste, and A.K. Miller. 1943. Ozarkian and Canadian cephalopods. Part II, Brevicones. Geological Society of America Special Papers 49:1-240

Belongs to Ectenoceras according to E. O. Ulrich et al. 1943

Sister taxa: Ectenoceras arbucklense, Ectenoceras arcuosutum, Ectenoceras chepultepecense, Ectenoceras compressum, Ectenoceras curvatum, Ectenoceras ellipticum, Ectenoceras exile, Ectenoceras gracile, Ectenoceras higdonense, Ectenoceras laqueatum, Ectenoceras longum, Ectenoceras millsi, Ectenoceras pergracile, Ectenoceras perobliquum, Ectenoceras ruedemanni, Ectenoceras subcurvatum, Ectenoceras subcurvatum, Ectenoceras subgracile

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore

Distribution: found only at 466-h. Asbury Ridge in the town of Genoa (Ordovician of Wisconsin)

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