Pompilites Rodriguez 2017 (spider wasp)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Pompilidae

Full reference: J. Rodriguez. 2017. Taxonomic names, in The geological record and phylogeny of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae): A revision of fossil species and their phylogenetic placement. PLoS One 12(10):e0185379

Parent taxon: Pompilidae according to J. Rodriguez et al. 2017

Sister taxa: Pepsinae, Pompilinae

Subtaxa: Pompilites fasciatus Pompilites incertus Pompilites induratus Pompilites senex

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• Miocene of Germany (1 collection)

• Oligocene of France (2)

• Eocene of United States (1: Colorado)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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