Chapmanopyge Fortey and Bruton 2013 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Proetida - Bathyuridae

Full reference: R. A. Fortey and D. L. Bruton. 2013. Lower Ordovician trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen. Fossils and Strata 59:1-116

Parent taxon: Bathyurellinae according to R. A. Fortey and D. L. Bruton 2013

Sister taxa: Bathyurellus, Benthamaspis, Ceratopeltis, Chapmania, Grinnellaspis, Harlandaspis, Licnocephala, Lutesvillia, Punka, Uromystrum

Subtaxa: Chapmanopyge amplimarginiata Chapmanopyge knudseni Chapmanopyge oklahomensis Chapmanopyge sanddoelaensis

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Type: Chapmania oklahomensis

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder


• Ordovician of Greenland (5 collections), Norway (3), United States (15: Oklahoma)

• Ibexian of Canada (1: Quebec)

Total: 24 collections including 25 occurrences

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