Athyris bradyensis Carter 1967 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Athyridida - Athyrididae

Full reference: J. L. Carter. 1967. Mississippian brachiopods from the Chappel Limestone of central Texas. Bulletins of American Paleontology 53(238):249-488

Belongs to Athyris according to J. L. Carter 1967

Sister taxa: Athyris (Cliothyris), Athyris (Seminula), Athyris (Spirigera), Athyris ambiguaeformis, Athyris angelica, Athyris angulata, Athyris bisulcata, Athyris cestriensis, Athyris concentrica, Athyris damesi, Athyris globularis, Athyris goniocolpos, Athyris lamellosa, Athyris mirabilis, Athyris persinuata, Athyris plicatiformis, Athyris simulans, Athyris spiriferoides, Athyris subquadrata, Athyris xetra

Type specimen: USNM 154761, a shell. Its type locality is USNM 9045, Chappel Ls, McCulloc County, TX, which is in a Kinderhookian shallow subtidal limestone in the Chappel Limestone Formation of Texas.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Carboniferous of United States (5: Missouri, Texas collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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