Alopochen sirabensis Andrews 1897 (Malagasy shelduck)

Aves - Anseriformes - Anatidae

Alternative combination: Chenalopex sirabensis

Full reference: C. W. Andrews. 1897. On some fossil remains of carinate birds from central Madagascar. Ibis 39:343-358

Belongs to Alopochen according to S. M. Goodman 1999

See also Andrews 1897, Brodkorb 1964 and Lambrecht 1933

Sister taxa: Alopochen (Mascarenachen), Alopochen aegyptiaca, Alopochen kervazoi, Alopochen mauritianus

Ecology: volant herbivore


• Quaternary of Madagascar (6 collections)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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