Geococcyx californianus Lesson 1829 (Greater roadrunner)
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Aves - Cuculiformes - Cuculidae
Alternative combinations: Geococcyx californicus, Saurothera californiana
Belongs to Geococcyx according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017
See also del Hoyo et al. 2014, Guthrie 2010, Hay 1930, Miller and DeMay 1942, Wetmore 1940 and Wetmore 1956
Sister taxa: Geococcyx conklingi, Geococcyx velox
Ecology: volant insectivore
• Quaternary of United States (10: Arizona, California, New Mexico collections)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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