Salishicetus meadi Peredo and Pyenson 2018 (whale)

Mammalia - Cetacea - Aetiocetidae

Full reference: C. M. Peredo and N. D. Pyenson. 2018. Salishicetus meadi, a new aetiocetid from the late Oligocene of Washington State and implications for feeding transitions in early mysticete evolution. Royal Society Open Science 5(4):172336

Belongs to Salishicetus according to C. M. Peredo and N. D. Pyenson 2018

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UWBM 50004, a partial skull (Skull with periotic and auditory bulla and mandibles and teeth ). Its type locality is Helsing Junction, which is in a Chattian marine siliciclastic in Washington.

Ecology: aquatic carnivore-suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Helsing Junction

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