Periploma eodiscus Vokes 1939 (clam)

Bivalvia - Thraciida - Periplomatidae

Full reference: H. E. Vokes. 1939. Molluscan faunas of the Domengine and Arroyo Hondo Formations of the California Eocene. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 38:1-246

Belongs to Periploma according to H. E. Vokes 1939

Sister taxa: Periploma (Aelga), Periploma (Offadesma), Periploma (Periploma), Periploma acuta, Periploma ariei, Periploma binominata, Periploma caribana, Periploma claibornense, Periploma clarki, Periploma collardi, Periploma cryphia, Periploma discus, Periploma iesakai, Periploma inaequivalve, Periploma japonica, Periploma johnseni, Periploma margaritacea, Periploma margaritaceum, Periploma ovatum, Periploma peralta, Periploma santaecrucis, Periploma stewartvillensis, Periploma venezuelana

Type specimen: UCMP 15595, 15596

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder


• Eocene of United States (1: California collection)

• Paleocene of the Russian Federation (2)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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