Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Aegiromenidae
Full reference: J. Chauvel, J. Drot, J. Pillet and G. Tamain. 1969. Précisions sur l’Ordovicien moyen et supérieur de la «série-type» du Centenillo (Sierra Morena orientale, Espagne). Société Géologique de France, Bulletin 11:613-626
Belongs to Aegiromena according to J. Chauvel et al. 1969
Sister taxa: Aegiromena (Aegiromenella), Aegiromena aquila, Aegiromena descendens, Aegiromena durbenensis, Aegiromena meneghiniana
Type specimen: Pl. XIII, fig. 1.1 et 11 a, a valve (brachial valve mould). Its type locality is XVII 1e niveau, Mirador (chambre des pompes),El Centenillo, East Sierra Morena, which is in a Dobrotivian foreshore shale in the Botella Formation of Spain.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Dobrotivian of Spain (7 collections)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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