Full reference: C. D. Sumrall and S. Zamora. 2011. Ordovician edrioasteroids from Morocco: faunal exchanges across the Rheic Ocean. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 9(3):425-454
Parent taxon: Eocrinoidea according to C. D. Sumrall and S. Zamora 2011
Sister taxa: Acanthocystites, Ascocystitida, Ascocystitidae, Balangicystis, Balantiocystis, Bolboporites, Cardiocystites, Cigara, Cryptocrinitidae, Cymbionites, Gogiida, Haimacystis, Imbricata, Lapillocystites, Lichenoididae, Lingulocystidae, Llanocystis, Luhocrinus, Marjumicystis, Palaeocystitidae, Paracryptocrinites, Peridionites, Pilocystites, Polyptychella, Rhipidocystidae, Ridersiidae, Trachelocrinida, Ubaghsicystis
Subtaxa: Hexedriocystis inexpectans Hexedriocystis mimus
Type: Hexedriocystis inexpectans
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Dobrotivian of Morocco (1 collection)
• Ordovician of Morocco (1)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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