Phalcoboenus napieri Adams and Woods 2016 (raptor)

Aves - Falconiformes - Falconidae

Full reference: M. P. Adams and R. W. Woods. 2016. Mid-Holocene Falkland Islands bird bones from a peat deposit, including a new species of caracara. Emu 116:370-378

Belongs to Phalcoboenus according to M. P. Adams and R. W. Woods 2016

Sister taxa: Phalcoboenus australis, Phalcoboenus chimango

Type specimen: NHMUK S/2002.52.6, a set of limb elements (left ulna). Its type locality is West Point Island peat bog, which is in a Holocene mire/swamp peat in Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

Ecology: volant carnivore

Distribution: found only at West Point Island peat bog

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