Stylolophus minor Gheerbrant et al. 2018 (placental)

Mammalia - Embrithopoda

Full reference: E. Gheerbrant, A. Schmitt, and L. Kocsis. 2018. Early African Fossils Elucidate the Origin of Embrithopod Mammals. Current Biology 28:1-7

Belongs to Stylolophus according to E. Gheerbrant et al. 2018

See also Gheerbrant et al. 2021

Sister taxon: Stylolophus major

Type specimen: OCP DEK/GE 668, a mandible (right dentary bearing roots of I1–2, alveolae of I3, C1, and P2, and crown of P1, P3–4, and M1–3). Its type locality is Grand Daoui area, Ypresian, which is in a Ypresian marine phosphorite/phosphorite in Morocco.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Eocene of Morocco (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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