Eleutherodactylus Duméril and Bibron 1841 (frog)
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Amphibia - Salientia - Eleutherodactylidae
Parent taxon: Eleutherodactylidae according to D. C. Blackburn et al. 2020
See also Carroll 1988, Morgan 1994 and Sanchiz 1998
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Eleutherodactylus planirostris
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
• Quaternary of Antigua and Barbuda (1 collection), the Bahamas (1), Cayman Islands (3), Jamaica (1), Puerto Rico (1), United States (3: Florida, Texas)
• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (1)
• Oligocene of Puerto Rico (1)
Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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