Naemorhaedus Smith 1827

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Bovidae

Alternative spellings: Naemorhedus, Nemorhaedus

Synonyms: Caprina Wagner 1844, Kemas Ogilby 1837, Urotragus Gray 1871

Parent taxon: Caprinae according to I. Agnarsson and L. J. May-Collado 2008

See also Carroll 1988, Grubb 2001, Hay 1902, Mead 1989 and Palmer 1904

Sister taxa: Aragoral, Benicerus, Capricornis, Damalavus, Hemitragus, Myotragus, Naemorhedini, Ovibos, Ovibovini, Pseudois, Rupicapra, Rupicaprini

Subtaxa: Naemorhedus caudatus Naemorhedus goral Nemorhaedus goral

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Type: Antilope goral


• Quaternary of China (3 collections), Laos (1)

Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences

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