†Eosphargis breineri Nielsen 1959 (leatherback)
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Reptilia - Testudines - Dermochelyidae
Full reference: E. Nielsen. 1959. Eocene Turtles from Denmark. Medd fra Dansk Geol Forening Kobenhavn 14:96-115
Belongs to Eosphargis according to E. Nielsen 1959
Sister taxa: Eosphargis gigas, Eosphargis insularis
Type specimen: Nederby Museum (number not provided), a skull. Its type locality is Knude Klint, Fur, Eosphargis breineri type locality, which is in a Ypresian marine claystone in the Mo Clay Formation of Denmark.
Ecology: aquatic durophage-piscivore
Distribution: found only at Knude Klint, Fur, Eosphargis breineri type locality
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