Reptilia - Testudines - Carettochelyidae
Alternative spelling: Carettochelydidae
Parent taxon: Trionychia according to W. G. Joyce 2014
See also Alonso Santiago and Alonso Andrés 2005, Carroll 1988, Frank and Ramus 1996, Gadow 1898, Gaffney 1975, Joyce et al. 2004, Karl et al. 2006, Karl et al. 2012, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Pérez-García et al. 2013, Perrier 1928, Tong et al. 2010, van Dijk et al. 2014 and Vremir 2013
Sister taxa: Kappachelys, Pantrionychidae
Subtaxa: Akrochelys Allaeochelyinae Anosteira Anosteira radulina Anosteirinae Apholidemys granosa Apholidemys sublaevis Carettochelyinae Carettochelys Chorlakkichelys Chorlakkichelys shahi Kizylkumemys Pseudoanosteira
• Quaternary of Malaysia (1 collection)
• Miocene of Germany (4), Libya (1), Saudi Arabia (5)
• Eocene of Belgium (1), Canada (2: Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan), China (8), France (19), Germany (3), India (1), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (13), Pakistan (1), Romania (1), Spain (13), the United Kingdom (1), United States (44: Arkansas, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)
• Paleocene of China (1)
• Cretaceous of China (2), Japan (1), Laos (2), Mongolia (2), Thailand (5), Uzbekistan (7)
Total: 139 collections including 149 occurrences